Amar Kaushik, the director of the successful horror-comedy film “Stree 2,” has been basking in the movie’s overwhelming success. The sequel, featuring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has garnered positive reviews and impressive box office numbers, cementing Kaushik’s reputation as a master of the genre.
Kaushik reveals that the idea for “Stree 2” emerged immediately after the release of the first film, fueled by both personal interest and public demand. He took the sequel as an opportunity to expand the universe of “Stree,” aiming to create a more intricate and engaging narrative. Despite the pressures associated with making a sequel, Kaushik ensured his team focused on delivering a fresh and entertaining experience while maintaining the essence of the original film.
Interestingly, he hints at plans for a third installment, which will likely involve new characters, including one played by Akshay Kumar. Kaushik is excited about building a broader horror-comedy universe, and he emphasizes his goal of making his characters more robust and multidimensional, aiming to engage the audience on a deeper level.
“Stree 2” is not just another female-centric film, Kaushik states; it is about creating strong, relatable characters that resonate with viewers, irrespective of gender. The director is confident that the film’s success has laid the groundwork for even more ambitious storytelling in the future.
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